Hello there!
My name is Susan A. Hubbard and I’ve been cosplaying since 1999 when I went to Anime Expo as Super Sailor Moon.
I spent most of those years cobbling and hand stitching my costumes together. I tried to use a sewing machine in 2000, but it was very traumatizing. I wouldn’t try again until 2016, when I decided to work through that trauma and learn how to make my own things.
Now, I change up between making and buying. Usually its more cost and time efficient to order from overseas, freeing up my time to make things I can’t find or at least find how I like them on my own.
In July of 2018, I helped start The Justice League of WNY, inc. – a 501c3 charity dedicated to bringing smiles through cosplay.
I hope to use this site as a log of old and new costumes, sewing & craft fun, hopefully network and meet people/groups to participate with. Please feel free to contact me! I’m happy to help with bouncing ideas around.
Supporting SH Cosplay
Consider making a donation to help fund my costuming – I’d very much appreciate it!
2022 Costume Progress
This year, I am working on selling off unused costumes before buying anything major. Please visit on Facebook to see current listing.
American Dream (Captain America from White Sheep Leather) - Done
Star Trek Strange New World's Female Tunic (eBay)- DONE
The MIGHTY Thor (Handmade) - DONE
Captain Marvel - Ms. Marvel Endcredits (Handmade) - DONE
Clea Strange - Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness Endcredits (Simcosplay) - ORDERED
Mary Marvel - Shazam! - In queue to handmake
Coming soon. Needs re-arranging
Founding Member of the
Justice League of WNY, inc.
A 501c3 Recognized Charity
Visit JLWNY on Facebook
for all the latest information