Busy Busy
by Harley | Aug 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Ooof, definitely haven’t written anything in awhile.
I ended up with quite the bout of depression the first half of the year, well the whole last year if I am to be honest. Losing Seven and River last July really devastated me. Every time, I thought I was on the way to being ok, I would lose it again.
I really couldn’t have gotten through it without my friends. One took me to see Billy Joel and another got me to a Bills game. My JLWNY peeps kept me busy and distracted as best they could.
Costume wise, I did not do much this year (made or bought) and probably will not, unless I get inspired. I splurged and bought the Captain America from White Sheep Leather (Check the video section for my review) and to get me out of my funk, I made The Mighty Thor. Im pretty proud of myself for it (Video also up) and ultimately, I didn’t spend much on it since I had almost everything on hand already. I spent less than $30!
Besides running around all over multiple counties for JLWNY, we are planning our first ever gala and I also went to a couple of cons as Cosplay Guest/Judge. Thank you Villa Con and Decepticon!
Its July!
by Harley | Jul 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hey look, I finally updated this site. It was getting way too cluttered, so Ive tried to streamline it a little and to re-brand it so it mostly matches everywhere. I think the only place I haven’t changed my name/info is on instagram.
I mostly have been working on content for my youtube channel. I have two videos on the horizon. The first one is the Harley Quinn suit I made and the Second will be my review for White Sheep Leather’s Captain Marvel.
Things are opening up again, so run over and visit Justice League of WNY and see what we’re up to.
I have my tickets for Black Widow and some of my JLWNY folks will be there as well, so that should be fun!
Been working on Youtube, how about you?
by Harley | Mar 19, 2021 | costumes, Other, Videos
I started to work on updating this site and then got distracted, because that’s how I am 😛
Mostly was distracted with my Buffalo Bills getting all the way to the AFC Championship game, hating cold weather, making facemasks, and getting some videos made 🙂
I won 2 more costumes from Simcosplay last December – Endgame Captain Marvel and Endgame Thor for Bob 🙂
My Captain Marvel review can be found here:
I also took a chance on a Lucky bag from Procosplay and got Scarlet Witch’s costume from Endgame – just in time for WANDAVISION! Ah-MAZE-ing show BTW
Second stimulus I upgraded my sewing machine – I LOVE IT and the third one I just ordered these two:
I can’t wait!
Stay Safe and Warm ^_^
Ooooh still bad on updates
by Harley | Sep 26, 2020 | reviews
I’ve been adding more videos to my youtube
Here’s my review of the Lady Deadpool from SimCosplay. I also won a Spiderman suit from them that should be here Monday 🙂
Long Overdue Procosplay Captain Marvel Review
by Harley | Jul 30, 2020 | costumes, Videos
Here’s a video of my breakdown of the Captain Marvels from Procosplay. Please like and subscribe. Leave a comment if there’s anything else you’d like me to review or break down.
Yay its all fixed-ish
by Harley | Jul 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
Finally, I was able to get wordpress updated thanks to my husband looking at it.
Lady Deadpool came in and it fits me PERFECTLY. I have to make a few adjustments. The mask was not fun in 80+ degree weather, but I was mostly ok when I wasn’t wearing it. The wordpress app isn’t letting me log in, so no picture just yet
We got Seven to stop peeing in the craft room. We had to give him a box outside of his closest and in the area I had set up to do videos….nothing like trying to record a message and to get interrupted by a cat tinkle 😡
Trying to get youtube going with reviews, generic character birthday greetings, etc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqxKUFKXtyw1hLoFCzSZGtQ
by Harley | Jun 22, 2020 | costumes
I won another costume from SimCosplay! I won any female costume
I selected Lady Deadpool since upgrading it has always been on my list but its a pricey costume. I am SO SO SO excited!
All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go.
by Harley | May 14, 2020 | Other
Dark Rey came in super quick as well as the white Black Widow – Im pretty impressed!
The wig in the previous post came in and it sucked. That’s why I love Amazon – I can send it right back. I got a new one and its not perfect, but serviceable.
Justice League of WNY has sent over 100 videos for birthdays and words of encouragement. Visit our page and look for Superhero Shout Outs to request your own! Ive also done around 20 for another group. My most popular requests have been Elsa, Rey, and Captain Marvel. Visit The JLWNY Facebook Page to see what we have done already
Ive made a lot of masks for family and friends.
Im still required to go in to work everyday. I’ve been “essential,” even though I don’t feel as I am. =/
My remaining cat Seven has decided there is something evil in the carpet in my craft room and has been peeing in a particular area. We have gotten him to narrow it down. When we flipped over the carpet we were surprised to find stains where there shouldn’t be, considering a bookshelf was on it from the first few weeks we moved in. We have been in the house for 8 years now and he never seemed to care. I don’t know if he has kitty dementia (he will be 17 next month), acting out because the other two are no longer there, really does smell something there and knows its not him so he has to show dominance, or he is the shithead he always has been since day 1. Spring has NOT really been here, so we can’t even open the windows to try get some of it out naturally. I think Im developing an allergy to all the cleaners LOL
Still Stuck Inside, Still Cobbling Costumes Together
by Harley | Apr 22, 2020 | costumes
So I finished my Rey costume! Yay! I also ordered the Dark Rey because its inexpensive and if I feel like being on the dark side, then BAM! Amirite?
I earned myself a TON of Amazon credits and I mean a TON. I cashed in rewards, I did surveys, I hustled LOL I used it to get the new White Black Widow costume. It won’t come with boots, so I will buy my own when it comes in. It was still cheaper than buying it from someplace with boots and whatever footwear I buy will probably be more comfortable.
I tried to re-use my Mera wig for Widow….and despite it supposed to be stylable, it really wasnt for a simple braid 🙁 Originally I was going to dye my hair but Im not likely to be in a salon until sometime in June 🙁 So Ive ordered a cheapy off Amazon that is supposed to be able to be put in a pony tail ok….except it may not deliver until the middle of May o.o
Stay Safe and Be Smart
by Harley | Mar 16, 2020 | costumes, Other
So this coronavirus nonsense….yeah, were all these people NOT washing their hands before all this? Because there is no reason to be out of soap if they were =/
Sadly, every event for the next month and half at least have been canceled or postponed. I was all ready to debut Elsa too 🙁
Im still working on my Rey costume. Simplicity has a pattern that I got for $2. Its not exact but very close. I have the vest done, minus some details that the pattern didnt include. Should be able to finish that tonight. I have the boots that I got from AC Moore when they were clearance out weird things, so that was $6 and some paint to make them darker (they’re knock off uggs). The shirt, Im just getting a $6 white tank off of Amazon. Ill make the pants later this week. I wanted to get a belt from one of the costume shops, but they aren’t even going back to their factory until the end of this month =/, so Ill get a lower quality one that’s on Amazon but available with Prime. Im aiming for next week to have it all done. I asked a friend to print me out the staff, so we will see if that happens.
Seven is still doing well, not counting smearing litter on Bob’s side of the bed last night, because he can.
Supporting SH Cosplay
Consider making a donation to help fund my costuming – I’d very much appreciate it!
2022 Costume Progress
This year, I am working on selling off unused costumes before buying anything major. Please visit on Facebook to see current listing.
American Dream (Captain America from White Sheep Leather) - Done
Star Trek Strange New World's Female Tunic (eBay)- DONE
The MIGHTY Thor (Handmade) - DONE
Captain Marvel - Ms. Marvel Endcredits (Handmade) - DONE
Clea Strange - Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness Endcredits (Simcosplay) - ORDERED
Mary Marvel - Shazam! - In queue to handmake
Coming soon
Founding Member of the
Justice League of WNY, inc.
A 501c3 Recognized Charity
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