UBCon 2018

This was my first UBCon. I never went because I am not gamer and I didnt want to pay to walk around lol Without going into the incredibly huge backstory, I asked my friend who had a booth if she wanted me to help out, for multiple reasons, including a potential...

Spring con

Spring Buffalo Comicon is over. 🙁 It started out slow due to the ice storm, but picked up within a couple of hours. There were some amazing costumes and I got to be with my WNYSAC fam. Only had to deal with one idiot…BTW no one buys it when you claim your...

It’s Thursday

Day 5 on no updates on my American Dream costume -_- Going to shoot ’66 Batgirl tonight! Wheeee! Need to clean up and get ready for guests and prep my costumes for Sunday Our group has an opportunity to attend the Avengers Premiere as costumed guests. Problem...

Spring Buffalo Comicon

Spring Comicon will be THIS Sunday from 10 AM to 5 PM. Along with being a comicon ambassador, I will be there with WNY Superheroes and Cosplayers as well as Queen City Pinups! You can purchase special trading cards of me as Harley in various shoots from Bob! I will be...


I’ve been invited, along with a few of my friends from WNY Superheroes and Cosplayers, to attend Cosplay for the Cause To Help SCHUYLKILL WOMEN IN CRISIS on June 9th. And I was specifically asked to bring my steampunk outfit <3_<3 It sounds like an awesome...

Current Updates

My Steampunk Green Lantern is coming along nicely. Its not quite done. The main part is 99% done. I need to put on 3 buttons, fix an epaulet, and steal the shoulder cords from my HS band uniform. Not super important, but the buttons are pewter and I want shiny copper...