My Steampunk Green Lantern is coming along nicely. Its not quite done. The main part is 99% done. I need to put on 3 buttons, fix an epaulet, and steal the shoulder cords from my HS band uniform.
Not super important, but the buttons are pewter and I want shiny copper now. The copper cogs will be here eventually that I can glue over, It isn’t the end of the world that I don’t have them now, so I went cheap and got them for $3 off Wish and Ill add them whenever they show up. It doesn’t look bad with pewter buttons, but I want it to match with the other stuff I put on it. It shows awesome on the green.
I need to make gaiters. I ordered copper buffalo nickel buttons to tie in to being in Buffalo. I am half kidding when I told someone I wanted to start a Buffalo Green Lantern Corps.
I also ordered a green Shako. I can’t wait to see what I can come up with.
This is definitely an ode to steampunk and my marching band days. <3
I have ordered American Dream and today the shield came in….can’t wait for this one. I have a lot of sit ups to do
I have also told Bob that I will get him a costume if he drops the weight he wants. Hopefully it will motivate him.
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