
I’ve updated my appearance listings on the main page Ill be at the Buffalo Auto Show Saturday February 10th 10-2:30 and Sunday February 11th 12-6 Then I’ll be filming a commercial spot with the WNY Superheroes and Cosplayers for Joe D’s Comic Book...


Harassment comes in many forms. Constantly DMing me about how nice I am or how pretty with literally no other substance, no matter how many times I try to redirect the conversation, is creepy. Waxing poetic about my boobs and rear without being able to talk about...

Costuming Updates

-SOOOO Rochester couldn’t sort my Star Trek uniform correctly and sent it to a town an hour south of me. SRSLY >_< Numbers are hard to read for Rochester, apparently. So NOT getting it today like I was supposed to. -Just need to add diamond appliques to my...


My lost package containing my Star Trek: Beyond uniform has been located!!!!!! It looks like it skipped a couple of scans and had a delay at some point, probably due to weather warnings. I can be the ship’s p-sychiatrist! Huzzuh! 😀

1 Year

So today has been one year since my dad passed. Giving the go-ahead to take him off of life support was the hardest thing I have ever done thus far. Ive been trying to keep distracted. Small tasks and listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack on loop. Keep my brain...