My old friend, this song’s for you
‘Cause a few simple verses was the least that I could do
To tell the world that you were here
‘Cause the love and the laughter
Will live on long after
All of the sadness and the tears
We’ll meet again
My old friend…goodbye

When I found out my dad had a heart attack I spent a lot of time frantically looking for numbers to his friends. I had Pandora in the background and this verse popped on when I finally sat down for a break. Its hitting me hard very randomly today. My dad and I listened to a lot of music and it was something we could share easily, even when things weren’t the best between us.

He would share thru text messages links to music videos on youtube. He liked to wait until I was in bed already so I would see them in the morning.

Earlier today a song I loved came on and it was one of the last he sent me. I still remember the conversation we had, how I was supposed to be in bed and why was I up so late lol